Monday, June 21, 2010

Rain, rain go away, #8 tee renovation

After 3 days of rain in St. Charles county where our dirt was being hauled, we were finally able to make some good progress on Friday.  We hauled out 7 tandem truck loads(100 yards approximately) using our single axle dump truck and Skip moved it around with our box blade tractor.

The view from the cart path between 7 green toward 8 tee.  You can see that the elevation of the tee will be at the existing level of the natural stone wall of the flower bed.  The stakes are in place to give us some gradient marks between the wall of the flower bed and the various areas of the tee.  The tee will slope from right to left and out the front corner toward the pine trees in the background.
Another view from the back of the tee on the left side pointing toward the right front corner.
Monday morning before our full field outing that we had on the golf course, we brought a skid steer in with tracks which allowed us to do some  additional grading and packing of the soil.  Skip is doing the honors.
Skip using the bucket to move soil into some tight corners.
Another view from the right front corner.
How the tee was left at 10:30 before the start of the tournament.

The work planned for Tuesday includes:

  • Contractor laser leveling the teeing ground first thing in the morning.
  • Bring more dirt in for the area between the new tee and the red tee to soften the bank for ease of mowing.
  • Grade and pack the dirt in place for the tee surround.
  • Begin the stacked natural rock curbing/border around the tee after the teeing ground had the proper gradient set.  
  • Sod the teeing ground with big roll zoysia sod.
  • Back fill along the new curb and install fescue sod around the border of the zoysia and between the new tee and the red tee.  

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