Just a little idea what we are trying to accomplish over the past couple of weeks in preparation for "The Invitational" and the rest of the golf season.
This also includes are daily mowing and routine scheduled work.
Glen Echo Grounds Staff
Mid-year (Invitational Prep)
Tees: Mulch all tee console areas
Weed control in mulched area
Clean ball washers and replace fluid(ongoing)
Clean benches
Poly finish tee markers
Clean, paint yardage marker for scorecards
Fill divots(ongoing)
Fly mowing/weed eating banks which cannot be mowed with a power driven mower.
Fairways: Replaced sections of damaged Bermuda sod.
Applied additional fertilization to weaker turf areas
Growth regulator applied on normal growing fairways along with
spoon feeding of fertilizer.
Applied extra fertilization to green zoysia approaches with no
growth regulator to improve wear resistance.
Will be doing some spot topdressing for new sodded areas and will
improve lies near fronts of green with topdressing.
Increased water to assist in growth for weaker fairways.
Weed eating/edging sprinkler heads and valve boxes so you can
read distances and we can find shutoffs when we need them. All areas of
the golf course.
Greens: Regulated and sprayed this week for color, plant protectant from
excess rolling and mowing pressure during invitational week.
One last topdressing on 7-9 for about the next 3 weeks depending
upon weather conditions.
Plan on rolling 3 days in a row during event and will probably roll
3-4 times per week for the rest of the season.
Important to have great conditions for Invitational but more important
to have turf that is alive for the rest of the golf season. The 10 day forecast is not showing anything out of the ordinary for our tournament.
Spray intervals are shortening from 14-16 days to 7-10 days.
Attempting to scarify and improve softness of bunkers as we can.
We have some sand to add to individual bunkers.
Edging bunkers(ongoing)
Remaining work:
All beds are mulched again at mid season. Cleaned, sprayed and
heavy weeding taking place.
Weed eating around all trees, curbs, fence lines etc.
Spot spraying some weeds, nutsedge and other weeds in main play
areas. In my mind right now, green is king right now.
Attempting to get 10 lake cleaned up, sprayed twice now in last 10 days.
Will continue to spray.
Painting barber poles on ranges, extra clean up etc.
Painted scoreboard.
Replace flags, plastic hole liner insert, clean up flag poles.
Blowing, cleaning and filling where needed additional asphalt patch in
a few potholes on the golf course cart paths.
Staff will be working Wednesday evening, Thursday morning at first
light before practice round, Thursday evening after regular play and away
from shootout areas, Friday early before play and after play Friday evening
and first thing Saturday morning.(Some contract labor staff will not be
available in evenings because of 2nd jobs.
Back at it Sunday morning.
Monday July 20th, fairway, warm season green surround, tee aeration and
hydro jetting of greens. No rest for the wicked.
Still a good hard 6weeks to go before September. Echofest, Club championship, Missouri-Mid Amateur Championship, outings and other activitiesfor the rest of the season.