Wednesday, June 26, 2013

How things change in a year!

At this time last year, we had already programmed over 9,000,000 gallons of water through our irrigation system.  This year so far, about 2,000,000 gallons.  By July 15th last season, we had used almost 15,000,000 gallons of city water.  This year we have used 0.  Our lake is currently full and I would expect that with cooler temperatures prevailing over the weekend and our ground having adequate moisture, we will be able to get into July without turning on the tap.  Every million gallons of water  costs our operation about
$ 3,500 so a significant savings so far this season.

Last season we had 14.30" of rain March-June, this season we have had 18.82" of rain with much cooler temperatures.  Our rainfall was early in the spring last year and this season it has been raining in May/June  which is good for saving money on water but bad on revenue generation for the club.  If it would rain about 1/2" a couple nights a week, we would be happy but it seems to not be cooperating the way we are wanting.

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