Friday, March 20, 2015

Old asphalt tennis courts removed

This past week we removed all the asphalt and dumped it in the back of the range.  As I mentioned earlier, we plan on covering it up with the wasted bunker material to provide a nice berm at the back of the range. We are in the process of locating some fill dirt to cover the area and we will then need to seed and straw it. We have a considerable pile of gravel in the area yet that needs to be moved as well but it must get a little drier. We will use this material in the maintenance parking lot and for the road leading to the back of the range. At this time there are many more capitol needs than replacing the courts and the removal will improve the overall look of the grounds.

We will still have the 2 clay courts that are maintained regularly for our tennis enthusiasts.

Started using the backhoe to remove the material but progress was fairly slow.

Rented a skid steer that  you see in the background that helped speed up the removal considerably.

Used the skid to pull up the material and used our loader to load the dead material.  Skid also helped with that issue as well.

Getting further along.  Took us a little over 3 days to removal the courts.

Near completion on Thursday.

Almost to the end.

Gravel layer that will be hauled out when dry enough to get equipment in there.

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