Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 30 Bunker Restoration, 'I Can See Clearly Now'

I can see clearly the finish line in front of us.  We are down to our last 7 bunkers.  Today was the last day for our extra contract laborers.  Thanks to Brad, Jamaz, Nathan, Keith, (Mark and Derek worked earlier in the project).

The staff finished #5 bunkers today.  We still have to finish trenching the exit drain for the right bunker and have just a little sodding to do.  We also have to install the irrigation line and two heads over along the left approach bunker but will do that after the project is complete.

If it stays dry, we will get the right bunkers on #4 finished and will move on to #17 later in the week.

#5 left bunker finished.

Staff adding gravel to the drain lines of the right bunker #5..

Sodding the right bunker of #5.

The finished right bunker of #5.

#5 from the fairway.  We do have some sod in the approach bunker that was injured  due to drying out but we believe it is coming back around.


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