Monday, December 11, 2017

Winter Play/Winter Set up

Winter is coming pretty quickly, at least by the calendar on December 21st. With the arrival of winter comes some changes to the golf course.

Snow and Ice 

Course is closed when there is snow and ice on the course. Normally the greens are the last to clear because of the short height of the turf. No golf during these periods. Sometimes it clear enough for walking without clubs which we don't mind and if you want to bring your fury friend along, feel free to do so. You might just stop in Pro Shop if someone is around and let them know you are out there.

Tee Markers 

All tee markers are removed and brought in for the winter to repair and keep in good shape for the main season. Please play from where you like on the teeing ground you chose. If you are playing with more than 1 group and you have a game going on, use the 2 or 4 step rule forward or backward from a white marker or blue marker so everyone does not play from the marker. Playing from the same spot day in day out creates excessive wear to the teeing surface, especially the dormant zoysia. Same goes for single groups, go to an area of the tee that is showing less wear and tear over the winter, not completely matted down or multiple divots in the same area on par 3 holes.

2 Holes per Green

Also, we have 2 holes in each green at this time. If you have more than 1 group playing on a warmer day with a game going on, place the flag pole back in the same hole but if you are a single group, please move the flag pole to the second hole. This moves wear around on greens. If warm days occur during the winter and the greens are thawed, the staff will move the holes if we have a great deal of play, they will do so to reduce wear and tear on specific areas.

Freezing/Thawing Greens

I prefer greens to be either completely thawed or completely frozen to reduce damage during the winter season. It becomes problematic for us when greens go into a deep freeze cycle in late December/January and then begin to thaw. Once they begin to thaw and it moves into the top 1-2" of the green surface, we will usually close the course until the thaw comes completely out of the greens. This prevents root shearing and deep imprinting from foot prints.  I will discuss this issue in the next few weeks with pictures and more detailed information.

Appears we are in a cycle of cold days followed by some nice days. Wednesday, Saturday predicting 50's and Sunday pushing 50.

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