Lady is anxious and ready to start her day. She is patiently waiting for instructions like the rest of the crew.
Additional progress has been made the last 2 days on the new 10th white tee box and the additional box ahead of #10 blue tee.

Skip is using the forks on the box blade to break up the soil allowing the box blade to then move material to the areas where we need more soil. The soil is moist and is very soft right now. We used the large loader in the background but the weight of the unit created some significant rutting. As you can see, Lady has given her instructions and is now moving out of his way.

You can see how the teeth are scarifying the soil.

After tearing down the tie wall, moving dirt and moving some more dirt, we are now finished with the rough grading phase. We have some erosion blanket in place that you can see lining the front of the tee. We have tentatively staked the four corners of the tee. We are waiting for the rain to come in and help to settle the soil. Overall, we have lowered the tee by about 2.5'. The tee will be slightly smaller than I first planned in the diagram. Right now we are about 36'x22 but I believe when the finish grading and laser leveling are complete the tee will be in the area of about 40x24(960 sq ft). The tee will slope slightly from the back left corner to the right side and right front corner. We will have some additional sub-surface drainage in the back of the tee to keep it dry and a surface drain on the right corner to catch any excessive surface water which could end up coming across the corner of the tee.
I think the tee will fit more naturally with the lay of the land. The tee is smaller but of adequate size to handle the amount of play. We have created a easy assess to the tee surface. In the future, a turn in will be created for easier access and remove carts from the main road. At this time, members will be able to park on the cart path near the hole sign/benchball washer area.
Just a reminder that we have made a temporary white in front of the renovated tee. There was a small tee that has been abandoned for a few years that we have recently reopened for the next month or two. We appreciate your patience.
The new tee in front of the blue tee on #10 is just beginning to take some shape. We are short about 3 loads of dirt which we will have to locate on property in the next few days. This is going to be a supplemental tee for the white tee and the blue tees could be moved forward from time to time to this spot. The apron of the tee will extend to the main road. The tee will be as wide and the blue tee and will be about 25 feet deep. We are softening half of the left, front and right sides of the original blue tee to help reduce hand trimming and wear patterns which have developed because the bank of the tee is too severely sloped.

Here's Assistant Superintendent Mike Walerius getting what I would consider the first cut of the spring season on the greens on Wednesday. Its almost time for some regular maintenance to take place.

Here is a picture of our green nursery which we have been growing in since last fall. The lighter colored turf on the left has been mowed. There are just a couple of spots which need some cover but overall the green is in good shape. We are still higher with our mowing height(.180" versus .150" on all other greens) on this green in comparision to the rest of the greens on the course but we will continue to move the height down to match the other greens in the next month or two. Lets hope we do not need this green except for a repairing a scalped old hole.