As you can see, our greenhouse is bursting at the seams with beautifully colored plants. Some of the plants were placed in 6 pack containers and need to be moved to 3" packs because they are getting too large and want more room. Some of the items that will be growing in our urns this summer are being moved to larger quart pots to help them increase their size before we place them outside. I've also have to get Chef's herbs planted so he may make some wonderful dishes for you to enjoy. We're going to grow a couple of flats of Arugula as well for Chef to use as needed in the kitchen. Ok, on to bigger and better things.
The sale will take place on Saturday May 9th from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon or until all the product we have available has been sold. You may park your car in the clubhouse parking lot and we will have carts(either golf carts or maintenance carts) available at the pro shop for you to ride down to the maintenance building. Once you've completed your shopping, we will transport your plants to your vehicle. If you would like to play golf and then take your plants when you have completed your round, we will be happy to store them. The clubhouse has prepared a form for me to have you sign and your account will be charged appropriately.
I will have additional information available the day of the sale on each plant if there is something that has peaked your interest but you do not have a lot of knowledge regarding the habit or growing requirements of a particular plant. You may also contact me through email and I can send you a fact sheet on a specific plant.
All Plants are annuals unless otherwise noted in the description.
The 7 varieties below will be sold in 6 packs with 36 total plants per flat.
$ 1.50 per 6 pack and $ 8.00 per flat.

Impatiens Super Elfin Pink
10" tall 12-14 spread
14" tall 12" spacing
Full Sun
12-15" tall 9" spacing
12-15" tall 9" spacing
Nicotiana Saratoga White
Full to partial sun
12" tall 9" spacing
Full sun
14"-24" tall 1'-3' spacing
Full sun
18"-20" tall 12-14" spacing
3" Potted Plants $ 3.00 per plant
18 plants per flat
There will be less availability of the following plants because they were purchased in smaller quantities. The plants in this group have a tendency to spread or their growth habits naturally take up more space.
Angelonia Serena Lavander

Full Sun
12" tall 10" spacing

Full sun to partial shade
Trailing habit
8"-10" tall 12-18" spread
8"-10" tall 12-18" spread
Full Sun
18-20" tall 16"-19" wide
Full to partial sun
12-24" tall 12-18" spread
Dracaena "Spike"
Full sun
Red and Pink
Sun or shade
12-15" tall 12-15" spacing
15-24" tall 12-15 spacing
Full Sun
15-20" tall 18-24 spread
Calibrachoa "Million Bells Magenta"
Full sun
1-3" tall up to 48" trailing
Annual in our climate
4-5' tall
4-5' tall
Soft purplish bloom with nice green foliage
Full Sun
12-22" tall 15-18" spread
Strobilanthes "Persian Shield"
18-24" tall 24" spread
Sun or Shade
24-30"tall 24-30" spread
Full Sun
2-3'tall 1 1/2-2' spread
Annual/Biennial or short-lived perennial
Coleus "Rustic Orange"
I will also have 3 varities of hostas available for $ 5.00 a plant in at least 1 gallon containers.
One of the varieties are the hostas that are used in front of the clubhouse at the main entrance to the building. I've placed some of the hostas we are selling in the urns on the patio for some greenery.
3-6" tall and can trail 8' in diameter
yellow blooms
3-4' tall
1' to 4' spread
Full Sun to light shade
3-4' tall and spread
Coleus "Rustic Orange"
Sun to shade
Coleus "Alabama Sunset"
Sun to shade
24-36" tall and 24"spread
Coleus "Pineapple"
Sun to shade
24-36" tall and 24" spread
Upt to 4' tall
It will self seed so plant in an area where you don't mind extra babies.
I will also have 3 varities of hostas available for $ 5.00 a plant in at least 1 gallon containers.
One of the varieties are the hostas that are used in front of the clubhouse at the main entrance to the building. I've placed some of the hostas we are selling in the urns on the patio for some greenery.
There could also be a couple of other items that have not been listed.
Hope to see you Saturday, May 9th.