Our irrigation system was blown out yesterday. We rent a large compressor which is rated at 750 cubic feet per minute which is the volume of air the machine is able to push through the system. We set the pressure to around 50 psi which reduces the amount of stress on our irrigation system. Our water pressure during the year is kept at 130 psi. Air pressure set too high could damage heads and pipe.
Air compressor

Once the machine is started and begins pushing air through the system, drain lines are opened to our lakes until air blows out through the pipe. Once the drains are closed, the staff turn on heads using our irrigation control boxes which are located on about every other hole. Each box controls one specific set of heads. Directly above the red wires are small toggle switches which are turned on until air begins to come out of the head.
Irrigation Controller

Irrigation head evacuating water.
In the final picture below, Lady Bug is challenging the head to a dual. Once air comes out of the head, the head is turned off and the next head is then activated.
Head blowing air and Lady having some fun
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