Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ornamental bed plantings have started

I put the first plants in the ground this afternoon near the pro shop  The crew removed the expired tulips and did some light tilling for ease of planting.  As weather permits, we will be planting the pro shop walk area, flagpole and the close areas around the clubhouse.  Once those areas are complete, we will move out onto the course.  I would expect our plantings to be completed within the next two weeks.  The beds will also be covered with the Black Forest mulch.  We also have to install plants in the 30 pots and urns around the clubhouse, swimming pool and pro shop.
This view is along east side window of the pro shop. Gay's Delight Coleus with some Red Angel Wing Begonias and Cherry Star Impatiens


The corner of the east side of the pro shop.  Same plants as above except we are using Burgundy Sun Coleus. 
Continuing from the bed at the corner to the area behind the benches and around the small golfing statues with the same plant material as the corner.  This will add nice contrast to the perennial plants that make up a majority of this bed.

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