Monday, May 24, 2010

Reclaiming the Short Range Target Circles

The short range has some small targets for everyone to work on their game inside 100 yards.  The circles at one time were just sand which  stopped the ball after it hit the ground giving the player a chance to know exactly how far they were hitting their club.  We had not kept up with the overall maintenance of the targets and felt it was time to put them back into the condition that they were intended when the short range was first built.  While the Monday outing was out playing our course, the staff finished their day by removing the zoysia/bermuda grass which infested the targets.

Assistant Skip working the sod cutter removing the bermuda and zoysia that had over grown the target landing area.

Randy, Ryan, Jason and Arian who is not picture removing the material after the sod cutter ran through it.
The finished target after all the material was removed.  We will have to do some serious grass control on these plots to keep then from being over run with zoysia/bermuda.

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