Wednesday, September 1, 2010

4th hottest June/July/August period on record

Official stats are in and 2010 was the 4th hottest period(June, July, August) on record behind:
  1. 1901  82.7
  2. 1936  82.3
  3. 1934  82.1
  4. 2010  81.7 
  5. Recent years averages 2009-76.6, 2008-77.6, 2007-79.7, 2006-79.6, 2005-79.6, 2004-75.3, 2003-77.3, 2002-80.2, 2001-78.1
1980 average was 81.3 which is next in line for the hottest period over the last 5 decades.

57 days over 90 degrees during this period.  The average is 37.  Our nightly low average temperature was greater than the daily high temperature average during each month.  1/10 higher for June, 2 degrees higher in July and 1.5 degrees higher for August which put our turfgrass under tremendous pressure from both temperature and diseases.

June was the 5th warmest on record, July the 21st and August the 15th. 

After going through this record year and now experiencing some near normal temperatures, I've had some time to put consider what was taking place to our turf over the last couple of months.  No matter if it was a record year for temperatures or not, we never like to lose turf and believe we will be better equipped to handle this type of situation in the future.

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