Sunday, May 29, 2011

Tree Management Plan

A few folks have mentioned to me about the tree on 10 that we removed the other day and were somewhat surprised.  This tree has been on our watch list with the green committee over the last year.  As you can see from the picture below, not much life in the tree and plenty of branches to fall off  for our staff to pick up and or hit someone in the head as they walk underneath it.  Removed on a wet day with plenty of staff on hand and not much mowing to be accomplished.  We were in tree clean up mode from the storm earlier in the week so it was an easy problem to manage.  There have been a couple of trees removed from that same area over the last couple of years.  If it is decided that another tree should be put back in that area, we will evaluate the shape, size, and type of tree that will be successful in that spot and will plant it during the proper season for optimal success of survival. 

Removing trees in a timely manner is very important to our overall tree management program.   Leaving trees standing until they are completely dead puts a serious burden on our staff due to the shear number of trees we are trying to manage and creates serious hazards for our members and guests.  Contracted tree work runs 1-2K per day depending the type of work and equipment that must be called out to perform the task.   Right now there are two very large white oaks on property that did not leaf out this spring that need to be removed along with two others that only leafed out partially.  These trees are being evaluated for removal.  In most cases, we will delay  their removal until late fall or winter but in some cases they might require removal as soon as possible.  We appreciate your patience as we work through the challenges of managing our trees.     

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