Our greens have faced some difficult conditions over the last couple of weeks with what appears to be more to come in regards to hot weather. We have gone two weeks without rain which good good during high heat because we can control the amount of water to our greens. However, our greens have become consistently inconsistent throughout the profile. There is plenty of moisture in the surface area but we are seeing less than adequate levels in the 3-4" area of the profile which makes for difficult management of our putting surfaces. As mentioned in last weeks post, we are using all tactics to help get us through this most stressful period.
11th green is definitely struggling with wet and dry issues. Normally one of our wettest greens, we have struggled to get its moisture where it needs to be. |
7th green with some stress but holding its own.
Our collars have taking a beating over the last week. The green surrounds are beginning to pull water from these areas and we have reduced inputs to the green so there is less availability from these areas. We have pounded them with water from our hoses but to no avail in some cases. Hopefully, some of the turf has just gone dormant and is still alive in the crowns and will rejuvenate during some more normal weather. Some areas that have taken the most beating have been the practice green, left side #16 and the front of #3. All trouble spots from the past.
Our Zoysia/Bermuda tees are fantastic and some of our cool season tees are beginning their yearly struggle. Drought stress or inadequate water distribution, disease and conditions just too hot for cool season tees(mixtures of poa, bent, rye and bluegrass) are just some of the issues we are facing. Removal of a few trees, raising the teeing level and or modifying locations of these tees would be something that should take place in the near future. Less water, no regular fungicide applications and great summer conditions are more the reason to remove these type of tees from the property. We have enough space for the zoysia to survive the amount of play that we have on a yearly basis. The first 20-30' of this tee is beautiful zoysia because it received enough sunlight to adequately grow a warm season grass.
Our cool season fescue green surrounds are holding their own right now. They are stressed but doing okay. The back of 10 green surround is a great example of how our fescue program is working. You can see the line between the good fescue turf on the left side and the junk poa, bluegrass turf on the right. This will be replaced in the future to improve the overall look and playability of this area.
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