Monday, August 29, 2011

Some additional weather statistics for this season

Month of June

5 record highs for that particular day in June.  Avg for the 5 days was 96.8
5 record low highs for that day in June  Avg for the 5 days was 77.6
I should have known something was up with that type of heat in early June.

Looks like this summer season will pass 2010 as 4th all time record high temperature for the period June/July/Aug summer season by almost .25 degrees per day.  Last season 81.7, this year 81.93.  Three more days this week of over 90 will give us 64 for the season which is one less than last year with the whole month of September still to come.

A very heavy 1.10" of rain on July 12 was our last major daily rainfall.  We've had an additional .69"(only .15" coming in one day) of rain in the last 39 days.  Our weather station measures Evapotranspiration (ET) which is the amount of water lost from the surface of the ground which would be available for plants to utilize.  Some of the factors affecting this loss include temperature, humidity, and air movement.

Since July 12, we've had rainfall of 1.79" and an ET of 8.02".  That is a very significant deficit which points to why our water usage has gone sky high over last 6 weeks.

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