Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tee renovations complete

The past couple of days our staff we completed the tees that we had promised.  #13 white tee and #11 red tee.  We also made a turf change on the #1 blue tee and converted from bentgrass back to zoysia which is the preferred choice of tee grass here at Glen Echo because of its low inputs(reduced water, chemical and fertilizer).  It has great wear tolerance and can now be mowed by our riding unit which now will be mowing all tees on property.  We've made changes to five teeing grounds this season; two from the blue tees, one from the white tee and two from the red tees and the walk path to #1 red tee as well.  They will finish growing in the rest of the season but should be able to be used in the next few weeks.  They will be in perfect condition for next season's play.  

Sod cutter was used to strip  off the sod that was then removed by our staff from the first tee, the red tee on #11 and what is now the white tee from #13.  The removal of the sod allows the soil that was hauled in to adhere to the soil and allows the sod that is laid to blend into the existing sod surrounding the tee.  

Stripped off sod from the red tee #11 waiting to be tractor rototilled by our laser leveling contractor  from Schaefer Meyer.

Mike McNeil laser leveling the #11 red tee.

Laser leveling the white tee from #13.

Once the tee is prepped, we fertilize it with a starter fertilizer to give the root system a  jump start and the staff laying the big rolled sod. Skip, Russ, Tom L, Jason and Demarcus.

The finished tee on #1.  We will roll it tomorrow with the tennis court roller and let it grow for a few weeks before we open it back up.  It will be topdressed with sand and will be walk mowed until it firms up enough for the riding unit to mow it.
Completed red tee on #11
Completed #13 white tee.

#13 white tee now aligned down the center of the fairway.

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