Thursday, November 17, 2011

Additional Collar Aeration

Our collars have had their troubles over the last few years and we need to reduce the amount of turf loss that has been occurring.  Additional aeration over the next 6 months will encourage and improve water infiltration and root development which will strengthen the plants.  The reduction of compaction also discourages poa annua which infests the collar/approaches.  Poa annua has shortened root systems in the summer and also has a number of diseases that can affect its overall health.

The staff used our walking aerator over the last couple of days and aerated the green collars and approaches with a 1/2" solid tine.  My intentions are to do this another 3-4 times next spring before summer rolls in along with the normal coring and needle tinning that we utilize as well.

Water management is also important for our collars to remain healthy.   Proper amounts of moisture to support health cannot be applied by the overhead sprinklers by themselves.  Wetting agents and extra hand watering must be utilized to reduce the water stress that our collars experience.  We also need to reduce the amount of Bermuda that is encroaching our collars from the green surrounds.  Early and regular applications of a pre-emergent called Tupersan will be utilized again this year.  We have used it in years past with some success but it has not been used on a consistent basis to reduce the impact of the Bermuda.  We will also need to cut out and spray some of the intermediate areas around greens.  The large areas of Bermuda on some of our greens surrounds provide a regular supply of runners that try to invade the collars.

Collar aeration of the practice green.  Damaged and or  weakened areas were gone over a second time to encourage additional root growth.

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