The concrete was poured for the Olympic Room entrance and walkways on Monday. The walkway handrails are being measured today so they can be fabricated and will be installed in the next few weeks. The concrete will have saw cuts placed in them tomorrow for design purposes. It will then be washed and sealed by Thursday. Access to these paths will not be allowed until next week.
The fountain walls and pedestal for the water and fire feature will poured on Wednesday.
Our concrete contractor will be working on curbing next week and will be doing some grading around the fountain area in preparation for the forms to be set in place. The plaza walkways should be under construction by the week of March 5th. Our staff has some demolition work involving removing asphalt and digging out the sub grade in the area of the truck unloading area and on both sides of the portico. Drainage pipes for the Olympic Room entrance area, driveways and new drainage for the gutter downspouts will all be connected to a main feeder line that will run across the front yard area. This will all be tied into the storm sewer that runs across #18 and #1 to the creek.
Our staff will be involved in getting the soil put back in place for the beds to be planted in the Olympic Room area and in front of the main dining room and living room. These areas will also be put back to grade for our lighting installer to get the walkways and up lighting installed to the building.
Skip waiting to assist in loading concrete into the hauler. |
Oreo Botta staff installing the first concrete at the Olympic Room entrance. |
More concrete being poured. |
Color being thrown on top of the concrete. The material was trialed into the surface of the concrete and a second application was made and it was then trialed into the surface. |
The look after the concrete was stamped. I forgot to show this application. I will show it when the fountain walkway is completed. A mat material with a rubber backing in laid on the concrete and is then tamped which creates the look above. |
The completed concrete. In the background is the handrail fabricator who is measuring the amount of handrail needed for the walkway. |
Hoette Concrete Construction putting together the forms for the fountain holding area. |
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