Our bunker renovations of #17 required some additional bentgrass to replace some of the collar that was removed during the construction. Both our collar and greens nursery have soil structure issues that can grow bentgrass adequately but when transferred to an green on the course, it normally fails. Over the last couple of years, we have begun the process to remove the false bent grass fronts on the greens. An explanation of my reasoning regarding this removal is listed below.
- Provide a consistent playing surface of Zoysia on the fairway, approach until reaching the collar/green.
- Bentgrass requires many more inputs of water, fertilizer, fungicide and insecticides. Also, it must be walk mowed which requires additional labor. It also must be hand watered during the summer to reduce stress.
- USGA agronomists in site visits to the course since I have been at Glen Echo has recommended that the bentgrass approaches be removed for the reasons listed above as well. Other clubs in the area have removed or have been in the process of removing the false fronts. My staff has informed me that the false fronts have been drastically reduced in size over the last 10 years or so.
The green committee evaluated a recommendation made by Kye Goalby before the bunker project that included the removal of a few trees near #2 green and providing an expanded approach/fairway and green side fairway area. The committee agreed with the recommendation and during our bunker tree removal, we removed the trees on #2. To insure we had adequate money for the bunker project, we delayed the work until after the project was completed. The committee gave us the go ahead on Tuesday and we began stripping away the sod. A majority of the sod was laid on Thursday and we will finish this area today.
Sod being removed from the front of #1. |
Zoysia being laid on the approach. |
The finished product.
Sod being stripped away from the right of #2. |
Big roll sod being laid on #2. |
More sod. |
Near complete. We have about 2 rolls of sod to finish the job and some additional cool season turf along the edge of the area. |
1 comment:
Thanks to share this information.I have visited your great post.
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