Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Leaf clean up along fences

As the leaves drop each fall, we spend  a great deal of time and energy either picking them up with our  sweeper or blowing them in windrows.  Our large area mowers then proceed to mulch them back to the soil.   Sometimes the prevailing winds and or our blowing machines move them up against the fence lines that mark the edge of our course creating places for errant or in my case perfectly lined up golf balls to come to rest.  We attempt to run our mulching mowers up against the fence but in the end, we must use backpack blowers to move the leaves away from the fence for removal.  The staff spent most of the day today cleaning up along a few different fences including #2 and #3 and possibly on to #4. The excess leaves also do kill grass up to 3-4' away from the fence which creates difficult lies if your ball ends up in this area.  Also, the leaves can blow back out into main play areas creating additional difficulty in locating golf balls.

Leaves being blown away from the fence and the sweeper then cleans them up.

The clean fence row along #2.

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