Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Vernal Equinox, Welcome Spring

Well, the vernal equinox just occurred this morning at 6:02 a.m., as the sun crossed the equator heading north to bring us the warmth that our turf and bodies long to feel.

Average temperature on this date last year was 72.5 compared to 35 today.  We averaged about 70 last year for the week before spring which was too much warmth too fast.  It was great golf weather but created issues in applying our preventative products at the correct timing.  It usually takes us a couple of weeks to get these products applied.  Last year we sprayed our first seed head reduction product on our greens around March 6th based on the growing degree day model that is utilized in our industry.  We might not reach the threshold of this application until late next week which is one of the later dates in the last few years.

The staff is spending these cold days cleaning up the tree remnants from last week's removal and splitting wood to supply our maintenance building's heat next year and for our members to burn in their homes.  Still have a great deal of sticks and sweet gum ball removal as well after this past weekends rain which always brings down more material.     

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