Saturday, October 5, 2013

A mistake

Always hate to have to post a message about an error. 3-4' along the right side of 3 green was accidentally damaged from a spray application this past week.  I was spraying out Bermuda along the collar and inadvertently turned on the boom that was over the green.  At the time I did not realize this had occurred.  Spraying off an accidental mishap would probably have limited the damage.  We've rinsed the area and have placed a couple of products down to hopefully limit the damage.  It is obviously off color.  My hope is the incoming rain, cooler weather and not mowing that section of green for a few days will allow it to recover.   Normally I would not have a boom over the green to prevent the chances of an accident.  Long story short, a weed killer is causing this issue.  Il will probably know in the next 5-7 days.  

It is my hope that a majority of it will survive.  I will keep you posted.

Sorry for this mistake.

In the middle is the edge of the damage to the collar.  There is about 20-30" of collar which is showing damage as well.  The  zoysia/Bermuda intermediate  which was supposed to be sprayed is on the right and is slightly off color as it should be.

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