Saturday, April 16, 2016

Fairways Sprayed(Bermuda Eradication Program)

I made the first spray of the spring season to our fairways as a part of our Bermuda Eradication Program. I would expect at least one more spray in the next 30 days or so and than a little break in the program allowing the sodded areas and some pretty significant golf events to get completed and we will then spray probably 2-3 more apps in late summer/early fall.

I would expect the Zoysia to turn slightly off color for about 10-14 days. My hope is that we've timed it properly to knock down some Bermuda significantly but to also reduce the amount of seed heads we will have from our Zoysia. If we are able to reduce the seed heads this will allow the zoysia to save energy that it would have used in producing seed. Lets keep our fingers crossed. I posted a video below regarding this program. Miss you girl.

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