Greens staff, small and mighty have been pretty busy over the last few weeks with some inside work challenging them along with some work on the course. It had been decided to redo the lower level lockers in the Ladies Locker Room by painting the outsides of each locker and removing all layers of paint off of the doors including the inside which was severely peeling. We first thought we could sand blast the lockers ourselves but after the 1st 20 locker doors took almost a week to complete we gave up Sand and dust was covering almost everything in the maintenance building as well so decided to find a company to do the paint removal of the remaining 80 doors. Some examples of the work are below.
Finished Product |
We then started sanding some of the rougher areas on the main parts of the lockers that we did not remove and then started hanging the doors and painting over the last couple of weeks. Some of the lockers had to have their locks changed due to back up keys not being available. The staff have a majority of the work completed in the main locker area and are now trying to finish in the small room off of the pool hall.
Work outside has been ongoing with a number of projects taking place. During the end of January or early February, most staff in the St. Louis area spray RoundUp (a non selective herbicide which kills poa annua, knot-weed) and pre-emergent (Crabgrass and Goose grass control Herbicide) that prevents these weeds from growing. Areas sprayed include our zoysia grass fairways, tees and specific green surrounds like # 1, #2, #3. You have to spray these when the turf is dormant so you don't damage green actively growing turf with Round Up which can injure green or actively growing turf.
Poa beginning to change colors and die on #10 |
How do these products work? Its interesting how Poa will take in the chemical on warmer and sunny days in February. There are additives within Round-Up that allows the chemical to stick on the plant and also enter the plant which are key factors for us during the winter season. The Crabgrass product attaches itself to the soil, it is very non-soluble and will stay into the soil for months creating a barrier and or preventing the full germination of the weed seedlings. Once the turf becomes active and growing, the combination of the initial control and the overall thickness and strength of the Zoysia grass which helps to shade and reduces competition of the weed plants to germinate further.
Greens have been mowed at our near regular season height as growth occurs. We will be aerating on March 19th using the process called Dry-Ject. This is contracted out but heavily depends upon the involvement of our staff. As the 2 units go across each green, our staff must dump 5 gallon buckets full of sand into the holding container. The sand is incorporated into the green with a 3000 psi stream of water that injects it up to 5" into the green profile. Light brushing and rolling afterward and the greens are then ready to grow in and heal over the next few days. We are evaluating if we will do a deep-tine aeration after the other process is completed. Normally we do this as well.
Over the years, we use a scientific temperature models(Growing Degree Days GDD) to help us determine applications that we use to reduce the amount of poa annua seed heads that germinate which can effect ball roll out both in length and smoothness. These models can be used as well with insect control products, fungicide applications, and other herbicide products. The models have early, target and over for application rates based upon a accumulation of growing degree days. These are guidelines for us to follow, with some products or applications they work well but with other products its problematic at best. Poa annua seed head applications are one of those problematic models. Last year's model had us spraying around February 24th and 2016 had us spraying around March 8th based on the models. This year the models are trending for an application about now which is March 12th. These models assist us in hopefully getting maximum efficacy(desired intended result) with the products we use.
The staff is in the process of getting course amenities out such as ball washers, benches, trash cans and etc as we move toward more active golfing weather. Water coolers will be placed on holes this next week. Clean up of gumballs, leaves and other things are happening as well including some dead tree removals as staffing levels increase.
Also, a contractor is working on new storm drainage from Glen Echo Park which will drain water into 9 lake from the subdivision. This work is being completed in a MSD project to reduce the amount of storm water that enters the sanitary sewer system flooding areas down stream in the Wilson Creek area in U-City. Some of have you have witnessed water pouring out sewer lids on our property which runs along the lake system at Glen Echo. The contractor is responsible for doing all the work and clean up in the area when finished. We will capping off our irrigation in that area which is rarely used. This work should be completed over the next few weeks.
We have a tee project planned for the end of March/first of April where we will rebuild the 5th main tee and will be leveling and grassing the left tee on 14 with Zoysia. This effort will include stripping the old grass from the tee. A contractor will till the tees and then level them for surface drainage using a Laser-Leveling tractor and grading machine. The staff will then grass tees with zoysia. Hopefully, the tees will be open for play around May 1st or so depending upon weather. Pictures forthcoming as the work begins.
Until next time, hopefully will see you out on the course!!