Sunday, July 22, 2018

A Difficult First Half of Summer

The weather has been difficult for players, staff and green surfaces here at Glen Echo due to 2 months of record high temperatures. We have for the most part escaped severe injury but have been scared up here and there. I still see some signs of potential issues but this cooler weather spell could be just what the Doctor ordered.

I received an email from Dr. Lee Miller University of Missouri Turf grass pathologist through our local superintendent association regarding the issues turf managers have been facing. It has some technical information in it but does explain the issues we are facing. If its hot for humans who have ways of protecting themselves like moving inside to air conditioning, imagine millions of grass plants who have nowhere to go and are cut at about 99.5% shorter than their natural growth habit. We mow bent Bent grass if you would like to know more about this interesting turf. grass at about .125". Average length of stems in nature are about 2'. Click on 

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