As you know, the area immediately off of our greens collars is worn and in some cases dead. In an effort to reduce any additional harm, we did something today that I have never done in 19 years in this great business. We placed a tarp on each end of our spray run to catch any spray which would hit the zoysia/bermuda areas. We were spraying the greens with a wetting agent which allows moisture to flow through the green profile and a plant growth regulator which will suppress the poa on the greens. This product is not labeled for warm season grasses such as zoysia and bermuda. This increased our spray time by 30 minutes and we had to use 2 additional staff members to assist in the operation. If this will improve our turf and prevent us from having to replace additional turf, it will be well worth the extra effort.
Below, you can see the plastic laying on the edge of the collar.

Assistant Mike as he is entering the green. He has already turned on the middle boom and the boom on the right side of the unit. The left side boom which is hanging over the edge of the green is about come on. You can see the edge of the zoysia which could be subjected to the unwanted spray.

Assistant Mike is passing off the green with the middle and right boom preparing to be turned off. You can see how the additional spray could be hitting the zoysia walk off area. He also must come to an abrupt stop because of the clock. The practice green is a very confined area because of the clock, the landscaped wall and the 2 trees which are within the 10 feet of the practice green.

You can see Mike as he has entered the practice green for his next pass.
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