Monday, June 21, 2010

Damaged tree #10 tee box

From time to time, all of us have felt like Mr. Corleone when we are trying to leave our work for some commitment that was planned or just trying to get home to see the kids or eat supper.

I was preparing to leave the property Saturday afternoon and stopped by the pool to check our newly planted urns to make sure they had enough water.  As I was walking over to the pool from the back parking lot, I looked over at 10 blue tee box and saw a large limb lying over the front half of the tee.  First, I was pleased that no one was standing on the tee at the time because it was a large limb that could have injured someone.  I then looked down the hill from the tee about 50 yards away where approximately 100 chairs were set up for a wedding which was to take place in 2 hours.  One more thing to do since all the guests would be driving in the main road seeing this large section of tree.  Once they arrived  and were seated for the wedding ceremony, they would look up to the beautiful teeing area of #10 and see that monster limb lying on the ground.  Chain saw, loader and 4 wheel drive workman and the section of tree was history.  It was a hickory tree that appeared to had been weakened by borer damage and was virtually impossible to see the damage until it fell off the tree.
The tee side section of the hickory tree lying on the blue tee.
Cut up and hauled away.

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