Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sod work

The past few days, the staff laid over 600 yards of sod in various places.

Zoysia was placed in zoysia/Bermuda areas that was very weak and slow to recover from winter. Large spots on 3, 1 approach, 3 green and 10 were replaced.  Fertilization has been completed on holes 1-2, 5, 17-18 Saturday which will begin to push growth.  The remaining fairways will be completed early this coming week if the Large patch on zoysia has slowed in its growth. With the warm rain we just experienced this morning and near 90 degrees predicted over the next couple of days, I would expect the majority of our warm season turf to fill in before Member/Guest June 12th.

Other areas included fescue turf around the 3rd green, behind the bunkers on 5 and remaining stump areas.
Staff removing some zoysia in the intermediate along 3 green.  Area was thin and week.  Replaced with cool season.  Extended from bunkers to green edge.  Will look much better.
Staff adding fescue to the left side intermediate. Opposite side of green. 

Removing damaged sod under the trees behind the bunkers on #5. Severe shade, drought stress from trees out competing turf for moisture and wear from equipment were all contributing factors.

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