Over the weekend, we installed three oak trees on the course and four other trees in a nursery we are establishing behind 17 green.
The first tree was a
Chinkapin Oak placed on the right side of #2 about 135 yard from the green. There is a multi stemmed Ash tree at about 160 yards from the green that is showing some structural weakness and could be effected by the Emerald Ash Borer in the future.
You can see the Ash tree in the background as well as a Pin Oak behind it.
The 2nd tree on the course was planted on the lower right side of #10. It is a
Swamp White Oak This tree was planted in this location because of a lightning strike and structurally weakened Pin Oak near the 2nd lake on 10 and the right cart path that dead ends at 10 fairway. This tree is already weakened in the crown area and then took a big lightning strike. The new tree will reduce the temptation of those who try to cut the corner too tightly unless you can fly your ball over the top.
The third tree planted was next to the tennis courts along the right side of #18, a
Bur White Oak
This tree replaced two hollowed out Silver Maples and a poorly formed Sweet Gum. A great trade off in my mind. I would consider the Bur Oak the King of All Oaks. A formidable specimen tree for members to admire for the next 80 years or so. We need to clean up the stump grindings from the three trees, add soil and sod in the next couple of days.
We also placed four trees in a nursery area behind 17 green. The four trees are a
Yellowwood ,
European Hornbeam ,
Kentucky Coffee Tree ,
Black Gum These tree will be allowed to grow and will be tree-spaded and moved on the course over the next 6-10 years as needed.
This is the view from the cart path on 2 looking over toward the 16th tee/hole. We have water in this area. The two trees on the right will be watered regularly from the nursery green sprinklers. The other two have sprinklers nearby as well if we need to provide some supplemental water.
Miss you Lady girl!