Maintenance & renovation practices of one of the oldest 18 hole country clubs west of the Mississippi Host of 1904 Gold Medal Matches in the Olympics
Monday, December 11, 2017
Winter Play/Winter Set up
Winter is coming pretty quickly, at least by the calendar on December 21st. With the arrival of winter comes some changes to the golf course.
Snow and Ice
Course is closed when there is snow and ice on the course. Normally the greens are the last to clear because of the short height of the turf. No golf during these periods. Sometimes it clear enough for walking without clubs which we don't mind and if you want to bring your fury friend along, feel free to do so. You might just stop in Pro Shop if someone is around and let them know you are out there.
Tee Markers
All tee markers are removed and brought in for the winter to repair and keep in good shape for the main season. Please play from where you like on the teeing ground you chose. If you are playing with more than 1 group and you have a game going on, use the 2 or 4 step rule forward or backward from a white marker or blue marker so everyone does not play from the marker. Playing from the same spot day in day out creates excessive wear to the teeing surface, especially the dormant zoysia. Same goes for single groups, go to an area of the tee that is showing less wear and tear over the winter, not completely matted down or multiple divots in the same area on par 3 holes.
2 Holes per Green
Also, we have 2 holes in each green at this time. If you have more than 1 group playing on a warmer day with a game going on, place the flag pole back in the same hole but if you are a single group, please move the flag pole to the second hole. This moves wear around on greens. If warm days occur during the winter and the greens are thawed, the staff will move the holes if we have a great deal of play, they will do so to reduce wear and tear on specific areas.
Freezing/Thawing Greens
I prefer greens to be either completely thawed or completely frozen to reduce damage during the winter season. It becomes problematic for us when greens go into a deep freeze cycle in late December/January and then begin to thaw. Once they begin to thaw and it moves into the top 1-2" of the green surface, we will usually close the course until the thaw comes completely out of the greens. This prevents root shearing and deep imprinting from foot prints. I will discuss this issue in the next few weeks with pictures and more detailed information.
Appears we are in a cycle of cold days followed by some nice days. Wednesday, Saturday predicting 50's and Sunday pushing 50.
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Weather Stats: Hot and Dry July/September, with a reprieve of cooler temps in August
The weather stats for the last few months have been all over the board here at Glen Echo.
Hot and dry July, average rainfall in August with cooler temperatures but there were 2 events in August that made up most of that total. If I remember correctly, large accumulations at the airport with very little here at Glen Echo just a few miles away. hot and desert like September with warmer than normal temperature in October but finally some rain breaking into the 2nd week of October.
Hot and dry July, average rainfall in August with cooler temperatures but there were 2 events in August that made up most of that total. If I remember correctly, large accumulations at the airport with very little here at Glen Echo just a few miles away. hot and desert like September with warmer than normal temperature in October but finally some rain breaking into the 2nd week of October.
Temperature Observed Normal Depart Last
Value from Year
July Hi 94.3 89.1 5.2 90.0
Lo 74.2 71.0 3.2 73.1
Aug 85.2 87.9 -2.7 88.9
66.2 69.4 -3.2 72.5
Sept 84.2 80.2 4.0 85.0
62.2 60.6 1.6 65.8
Oct 71.1 68.5 2.6 75.3
52.0 49.0 3.0 55.8
July 1.38” 4.11” -2.73” 8.37”
Aug 3.30” 2.99” 0.31” 5.77”
Sept 0.27” 3.13” -2.86” 4.95”
Oct 3.71” 3.33” .38” 3.15”
(7 DAYS)
(5 DAYS).
Friday, November 17, 2017
Speed Kills, Not Just Grass But Enjoyment In Round
Higher greens speeds 10-11' and higher increases stress levels in 1/8" tall bent grass and increases risks for potential turf loss on greens.
New studies links faster green speeds to longer play time and less enjoyment/satisfaction in the experience. See the research below.
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Veteran's Day 2017
This year takes on a special meaning to this day with the passing of Beth's brother Lawrence Brewer this past April. He proudly served his country in the Air Force in Vietnam. To all of our members, families and friends who served and or currently serving, I appreciate the sacrifices you made for all of us.
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Firewood For Sale
That time of year to burn some wood in outdoor pits or fireplaces. We sell oak firewood for $ 75.00 self service pick up load or $ 100 delivered. Deliveries are usually delayed until after Thanksgiving since the staff is busy chasing leaves and we are at reduced staffing levels. Deliveries are only made on week days. You do not have to be there for us to deliver as long as we have a spot worked out ahead of time to stack.
If you have a small SUV or car and want a small load, we usually adjust the price down accordingly. If you need assistance with loading, our staff can help out. There are there 7 am to 2:30 pm Monday thru Friday. The pickup load price is for about `175 pieces more or less. You can contact my phone at 314-575-7321 or shoot me an email.
The pile we are currently using as you drive down past the maintenance building is on the left side of the driveway. It has been there for 2 years and has been burning nicely in the fire pits up on the patio over the last couple of months. Once that is all gone we will begin to use the right side which is a bit newer wood but has been on the ground since at least last winter.
Your account is charged once we deliver or you pick up the wood.
If you have a small SUV or car and want a small load, we usually adjust the price down accordingly. If you need assistance with loading, our staff can help out. There are there 7 am to 2:30 pm Monday thru Friday. The pickup load price is for about `175 pieces more or less. You can contact my phone at 314-575-7321 or shoot me an email.
The pile we are currently using as you drive down past the maintenance building is on the left side of the driveway. It has been there for 2 years and has been burning nicely in the fire pits up on the patio over the last couple of months. Once that is all gone we will begin to use the right side which is a bit newer wood but has been on the ground since at least last winter.
Your account is charged once we deliver or you pick up the wood.
Monday, November 6, 2017
Friday, November 3, 2017
Grass Range Tees
The grass range tees have closed for the year. The artificial mats are now open for your use. With the hard freezes over the weekend, the turf has stopped growing until next spring. No growth means no way to repair from damage. Please be considerate and STAY OFF THE GRASS!!! Please
Monday, October 30, 2017
Deep Tine Aeration, Why do we do it?
Made a video explaining why we deep tine aerate our greens. Little visual with an actual 8" plug from a green explaining the green system.
Update on Skip
Went by the hospital to see Skip Saturday morning and he was already home. He's got a couple week recovery time but things are going well for him right now.
Friday, October 27, 2017
Assistant Skip
Just wanted to mention Long time Assistant Skip had a significant surgery yesterday to repair a bleeding vein in his brain. He came out well from surgery the doctor reports. Nurse mentioned he was a hoot when he came to. Expected to get home Monday. I'm sure he would appreciate a card as he recovers. Send to club in his name and we will deliver them to him.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Time to Catch Up
I apologize for little activity on the blog lately. Time to catch up. Course has held up well this fall. A little bit of rain has been helpful for the seed that was drilled in during late September and early October.
Frost is predicted over the next couple of days. What does that mean? Course will remain closed until frost has lifted from playing areas. We of course are most concerned about greens so this means the practice green and practice facilities are closed until frost has lifted off of those surfaces. What can frost do? Watch the following video from the USGA, they explain it perfectly. The frost delays are normally shorter in length this time of year since the ground temperatures are still elevated. As temperatures cool, the delays increase in length. Factors that affect delays include cloud cover and wind speed as the sun comes up. Remember, the last thing we want is to delay golfers from getting out on the course but our goal is not do damage to the turf that could create issues going into winter or coming out of winter into spring.
Fall aeration is planned on Monday 10/30 with probably 12-14 greens getting completed we hope. We will get the others completed over the next couple of days trying to finish before early bird players catch up to us. We intend to do a deep solid tine aeration, about 8-9" deep. We will fill the holes with sand which will assist the holes in healing and will improve ball roll out. Greens should be pretty good to go as the week goes by. In the video it illustrates coring, pulling a core out of the green about 2-3" deep. Our process will not involve pulling out a core but placing a deep 1/2" tine into the green about 8". These deep holes penetrate into our soil layer which is about 5" below the surface of the greens and assists with root growth and moisture penetration. I'll explain more next week after our process is completed.
Staff has been busy removing part of the ornamental planting along the east side of 9 lake over the last few weeks. With the addition of plantings around the clubhouse and pro shop, our horticulturist Becky has just too much for one person to manage. This bed was going to need a complete overhaul but I thought the best way to handle it was to put it back to turf grass. We had a difficult time making the steep sloped bank look good in the first place. I think next season along the turf to grow a bit along the steep side of the bank will look pretty good in place of an out of control planting bed.
We've had a little bit of Large Patch on Zoysia break out a couple of weeks ago. Largest spots were up toward 13 green. We did some spot spraying with a fungicide to help knock it down. The worst time of the year is spring for this disease. The spot spraying this fall will help reduce some of the activity next spring but we will still spray some of our areas where the disease occurs on a yearly basis. The organic fertilizer option could help to alleviate this disease but it takes a couple of years to throw the soil microbe population to the good guy side. Organic does cost more but in the end does it really when you have to keep spraying fungicides on a regular basis?
MSD is doing some storm drainage work in the subdivision next to us in Glen Echo Park to reduce storm water getting into the sanitary sewer line that runs through our course along the lake system. The excessive loading of the sanitary sewer creates issues along Wilson Street in U-City which has been on the news many times in the past from flooding. Part of the work will be some repairs and storm drainage being improved between the property line fence on 9 and the lake. This work will start in the beginning of winter and will be completed before the golf season next spring. Outside contractors through MSD will be completing the work. Some large storm water lines will be installed into our property and a open grass basin will lead water into another pipe that will go into our 9 lake. Our staff will be removing irrigation lines that will have to be dug up and replaced once the project is completed. The club has been reimbursed for work our staff will have to do for this project.
Frost is predicted over the next couple of days. What does that mean? Course will remain closed until frost has lifted from playing areas. We of course are most concerned about greens so this means the practice green and practice facilities are closed until frost has lifted off of those surfaces. What can frost do? Watch the following video from the USGA, they explain it perfectly. The frost delays are normally shorter in length this time of year since the ground temperatures are still elevated. As temperatures cool, the delays increase in length. Factors that affect delays include cloud cover and wind speed as the sun comes up. Remember, the last thing we want is to delay golfers from getting out on the course but our goal is not do damage to the turf that could create issues going into winter or coming out of winter into spring.
Fall aeration is planned on Monday 10/30 with probably 12-14 greens getting completed we hope. We will get the others completed over the next couple of days trying to finish before early bird players catch up to us. We intend to do a deep solid tine aeration, about 8-9" deep. We will fill the holes with sand which will assist the holes in healing and will improve ball roll out. Greens should be pretty good to go as the week goes by. In the video it illustrates coring, pulling a core out of the green about 2-3" deep. Our process will not involve pulling out a core but placing a deep 1/2" tine into the green about 8". These deep holes penetrate into our soil layer which is about 5" below the surface of the greens and assists with root growth and moisture penetration. I'll explain more next week after our process is completed.
Staff has been busy removing part of the ornamental planting along the east side of 9 lake over the last few weeks. With the addition of plantings around the clubhouse and pro shop, our horticulturist Becky has just too much for one person to manage. This bed was going to need a complete overhaul but I thought the best way to handle it was to put it back to turf grass. We had a difficult time making the steep sloped bank look good in the first place. I think next season along the turf to grow a bit along the steep side of the bank will look pretty good in place of an out of control planting bed.
We've had a little bit of Large Patch on Zoysia break out a couple of weeks ago. Largest spots were up toward 13 green. We did some spot spraying with a fungicide to help knock it down. The worst time of the year is spring for this disease. The spot spraying this fall will help reduce some of the activity next spring but we will still spray some of our areas where the disease occurs on a yearly basis. The organic fertilizer option could help to alleviate this disease but it takes a couple of years to throw the soil microbe population to the good guy side. Organic does cost more but in the end does it really when you have to keep spraying fungicides on a regular basis?
MSD is doing some storm drainage work in the subdivision next to us in Glen Echo Park to reduce storm water getting into the sanitary sewer line that runs through our course along the lake system. The excessive loading of the sanitary sewer creates issues along Wilson Street in U-City which has been on the news many times in the past from flooding. Part of the work will be some repairs and storm drainage being improved between the property line fence on 9 and the lake. This work will start in the beginning of winter and will be completed before the golf season next spring. Outside contractors through MSD will be completing the work. Some large storm water lines will be installed into our property and a open grass basin will lead water into another pipe that will go into our 9 lake. Our staff will be removing irrigation lines that will have to be dug up and replaced once the project is completed. The club has been reimbursed for work our staff will have to do for this project.
Friday, August 18, 2017
Happy Anniversary
In 2006 I was given the opportunity to vie for the job of Superintendent at Glen Echo CC. Every job that I was given the chance to interview I was successful and was given the job since college. I did not make the cut then but was given another chance in the summer of 2008. I made the cut and began my career at Glen Echo on August 18, 2008.
This is the longest time at any one job that I have ever had in my working career. As my role has changed this past year from a full time Superintendent to General Manager/Superintendent, the world has become a bit more complicated. As a young teen, I witnessed my father being denied tenure at his teaching and football coaching job. The denial was truly unjustified and an error by Board members who later became regular customers at our restaurant. I saw my father turn the other cheek and move forward with his life. What a lesson for his eldest son who loved him dearly.
August 23 will be the anniversary of me being named GM year ago The past 360 days have been some of the most difficult in my work life but have also been some of the most rewarding. I have worked tirelessly, not for myself but in the service of our family at Glen Echo and our guests to improve our product and make it something you can be proud of. At times we've failed but I believe our success has far outweighed our failures.
Over the past few months, our clubhouse management team has been doubled in size with the hiring of Dave and Miguel who have done an excellent job in stabilizing our efforts and providing me with some needed relief so I can do some of the duties I've been tasked with completing. Our hourly staff have continued to become more seasoned and our food quality from Chef Brian and his team has improved.
In the end, what I am asking is that you come visit us a bit more often. Lunch, dinner, cocktails, chicken wings and some drafts. Maybe not enough time for 18 holes of golf but 9 would be just great by us.
In the end, many of you have asked and been concerned about me and my wife Beth and I truly appreciate your concern. I've always been s little more dedicated to my work than I should but trust I do enjoy my time away with my bride. Thanks for your support over the last 9 years and I might not see you on the course as the past but will see you in the clubhouse!
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Hot Temperatures, Singing the Blues
Well, the heat is on today and for the next week. Why not join us in the Clubhouse Friday night. Cajun/Creole food and one of the best in the Blues business in STL Leroy Pierson. 6:30 Buffet, 8 to 10 to here Leroy.
Monday, July 17, 2017
Extreme Heat, Caution Prevails
A successful Member/Guest as being told by both our members/guests with just a few scars on a couple of greens, we now head into consecutive 100 degree days and upper 70's to 80 degree nights.
We will be alternating between mowing greens one day and rolling greens the next instead of mowing until we get through what could be the hottest week of the season. We are also raising the height of our mowers by .005 thousandths of an inch. Don't freak out! That is just a little more than the thickness of 1 piece of typing paper. It does increase the surface are by 4% which is significant when dealing with a plant mowed at 1/8". Don't forget to come see us, just do it earlier or later in the day.
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Excellent Article On Bunkers
Excellent article from the USGA regarding bunkers and the reasons why they might play different from bunker to bunker.
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
Bermuda Eradication Part Deux Hundred
First early morning arrival to the course in a while. Don't miss getting up at 4:30 but do miss the course waking up. Shot a little Bermuda Eradication video and yes we will be killing some Bermuda after the Invitational. I have not sprayed this year due to some weakness in the Zoysia.
Fairways overall continue to improve with some filling in needed on 1,2 and 4. Tees were aerated last week, fairways were spiked which is the reason for the little slices with the brown edges where they dried out. Most of those areas have recovered. Yes and I have the finger ready for the video!
Fairways overall continue to improve with some filling in needed on 1,2 and 4. Tees were aerated last week, fairways were spiked which is the reason for the little slices with the brown edges where they dried out. Most of those areas have recovered. Yes and I have the finger ready for the video!
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Repairs to 7 Tee Completed
The staff completed the renovation to the front of the white tee on 7 today. It was backfilled with soil, 3 drain lines were dug across it to reduce water pressure in the bank to hopefully stop the hillside from sloughing off again. Sod was laid on it today.

Skip using a mini-excavator to trench across the bank.

Laying the sod. Decided to use Bermuda grass due to its ability to deeper rooting and survive the summer heat.

To our young walkers, please stay off this area or you might end up injured from wet and soft conditions. Should be good to go in 2-3 weeks.
Skip using a mini-excavator to trench across the bank.
Laying the sod. Decided to use Bermuda grass due to its ability to deeper rooting and survive the summer heat.
Monday, June 19, 2017
Greens Venting
Greens were vented today by the staff. We use our deep-tine machine with 5/16" venting tine which places a hole about every square inch or two in a little over 2 acres of greens/collars. Venting is performed to exchange good gas for bad. 02 oxygen good, CO2 carbon dioxide in higher levels bad if green surfaces are not opened up to allow the bad gas out.
The venting also helps improve water infiltration into drier areas and evacuation of water in wetter areas. Rooting is also improved with this process as is microbial activity which has a very positive effect on the plants. There is a battle going on in our root zone between harmful pathogens and those tiny creatures that help offset disease. Holes are not disruptive to ball roll for the most part and will closed in just a few days.
The venting also helps improve water infiltration into drier areas and evacuation of water in wetter areas. Rooting is also improved with this process as is microbial activity which has a very positive effect on the plants. There is a battle going on in our root zone between harmful pathogens and those tiny creatures that help offset disease. Holes are not disruptive to ball roll for the most part and will closed in just a few days.
Monday, June 12, 2017
Summer Stress, Make Changes or Face Consequences
As we push through some early stressful weather, a reminder that turf, especially 1/8" height greens can be impacted severely as summer stress continues into July and August. Pushing greens to their limits is a razor edge margin between success and failure. I tend to want to be on the side of success, not death. There are things we do to reduce stress. Roll more, now less. Slightly raise heights to provide just enough safety, needle tine or vent greens to improve oxygen content in greens. Nice article from @usga below.
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Tragic News
Michael McLaurin was hired this season as a seasonal employee. He received tragic news over the weekend regarding his son being shot and killed on I-70. Michael was a good find for us this season and has helped Skip and Tom and the rest of the staff a great deal so far. I went and spoke with him this morning and he said he had to come back to work, could not sit around at home anymore. There are not many words to help someone facing this terrible situation. Our thoughts are with Michael and his family. Video below.
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Tee Weed Control
We sprayed about 1 acres worth of Zoysia tees with a material that has turned them off color as illustrated in the pictures below. I've also attached a blog post from 2014 where we spot sprayed tees and you can see the off-color tinge in the back of the blue tee on #1. Since 2014, the weed that we are trying to control 'Kylinga' has spread to many of our tees. We are using a combination product which assists us with crabgrass control and will give us control on the Kylinga. We will have to spray the product again in 30 days or so to get any additional or new plants as they emerge. Other courses have had excellent success with this product. The yellowing will dissipate in about 7-10 days.
Below is the link to the blog in 2014 which illustrates the off color spot spray that we did.
Blue tee on 1 |
Red Tee on 10 |
Below is the link to the blog in 2014 which illustrates the off color spot spray that we did.
Thursday, May 11, 2017
GECC Plant Sale May 13th
The annual Glen Echo CC Plant Sale will be Saturday May 13th from 9 to 11 at the maintenance building. Plants can be charged in the usual manner. Might not have every Plant Becky has grown from babies but she will have a nice supply for you to chose from!
Monday, May 1, 2017
Well Since Everyone Is Talking Weather, Stats for Feb/March/April
I've been so busy inside the building, I don't even recall seeing the stats below
for February on the news. Mind blowing.. Wettest in April is not what we want to hear
but also this trend on warmth is not good. Wet and hot can be deadly for old greens
with natural drainage only. I know some wondered about a 2nd aeration. Rainfall
and heat are the reasons why we pound our greens with aeration equipment and sand
in the spring!
Observed Avg Diff Last Yr
AVG. MAXIMUM 59.0 45.0 14.0 49.1
AVG. MINIMUM 36.4 27.6 8.8 31.2
MEAN 47.7 36.3 11.4 40.2
Rainfall 0.49 2.24 -1.75 0.80
Look at all the records for February!!!
Observed Avg Diff Last Yr
AVG. MAXIMUM 59.5 55.9 3.6 62.5
AVG. MINIMUM 40.4 36.6 3.8 43.6
MEAN 49.9 46.3 3.6 53.0
TOTALS 4.24 3.32 0.92 2.29
Boring Record Month of March
Observed Avg Diff Last Yr
AVG. MAXIMUM 72.7 67.4 5.3 70.3
AVG. MINIMUM 51.9 47.2 4.7 49.4
MEAN 62.3 57.3 5.0 59.9
TOTALS 10.37 3.69 6.68 4.49
Friday, April 28, 2017
3 Tee Renovation and Zoysia Repair on Approaches
The staff slammed out the work earlier in the week regarding the renovation of #3 white/blue tee. It was laser-leveled by Schaefer-Meyer company on Monday and the staff laid the sod on Tuesday. We narrowed the front of the tee and pointed it properly toward the fairway instead of down the right woods and fence line. I would think it will be ready for play within 3 to 4 weeks.
We also repaired the damage in front of 1 approach and 2 approach on Wednesday before the rain hit that evening. We still have some weakness in a couple of other spots that might take some replacement. We have some extra sod in the parking lot waiting to be laid as necessary when things dry out.
Area in front of 2 green. Same thing was done in front of 1. 3 is a little weak but a majority of that material is growing back. |
Tee was leveled to drain f ront to back and off to the right. We softened the walk off area a little and also will be able to extend the tee ground back a couple of yards. |
Mike McNeil painting shape of the tee.
This pick is looking front to back. We made the tee more regular rectangular in shape and lost teeing ground on the front so tee would be pointing the proper alignment for players. |
Watering the sod. Got a little toasty but will be good after all of the rain we are receiving. |
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Weakness in Some Fairways and Approaches
We've greened up nicely is many areas of our fairways but we do have some noticeable weakness in heavier trafficked areas such as approaches, shaded areas, north facing areas etc. There are a number of things that could be attributed to causing these issues. We talk mostly about the good and the work that takes place, every once in a while I have to talk about some bad.
I made the fall application like we normally do with our Bermuda reduction material. We were pretty dry in the fall which the Zoysia was under a bit more stress than normal. Of course going dormant, is a bit stressful as well. We normally come out of winter a bit more delayed than normal because of this spary material. The zoysia is tolerant to it but it can tinge it a little.
With the milder than normal temperatures this winter, our warm season turf staying in dormancy for our RoundUp application in February was a bit of concern. We do spray at the near lightest rate which is effective at killing the poa annua and not damaging the zoysia. The areas most effected, high traffic areas like approaches are a little thinner in dormant turf cover and more chemical material could have gotten down into the canopy and affected live tissue. We have pulled a couple of plugs and placed them in the greenhouse to see if they will green up in the next 10-14 days. If they do, we will be fine. If not, we might have to replace the approach area on a couple of holes.
The issue we are facing could have also been the 15-17 degree low temperature we had a few weeks ago when the plants were just greening up and were very susceptible to freeze damage.
Or it could have been a perfect combination of the 3 things happening all at the same time, weaker zoysia from the fall, just a bit more green up than normal in February and the cold temperatures after the early breakout of temperatures.
We will have a better feel about what is happening over the next couple of weeks. I think a majority of the spots will be fine. One thing I'm probably sure of is the Bermuda got its butt kicked as well.
Greens aeration was completed in 2 days by the guys. Looks good overall. Last major aeration work of the season besides monthly needle tining and maybe a hydrojet application in mid-summer.
I made the fall application like we normally do with our Bermuda reduction material. We were pretty dry in the fall which the Zoysia was under a bit more stress than normal. Of course going dormant, is a bit stressful as well. We normally come out of winter a bit more delayed than normal because of this spary material. The zoysia is tolerant to it but it can tinge it a little.
With the milder than normal temperatures this winter, our warm season turf staying in dormancy for our RoundUp application in February was a bit of concern. We do spray at the near lightest rate which is effective at killing the poa annua and not damaging the zoysia. The areas most effected, high traffic areas like approaches are a little thinner in dormant turf cover and more chemical material could have gotten down into the canopy and affected live tissue. We have pulled a couple of plugs and placed them in the greenhouse to see if they will green up in the next 10-14 days. If they do, we will be fine. If not, we might have to replace the approach area on a couple of holes.
The issue we are facing could have also been the 15-17 degree low temperature we had a few weeks ago when the plants were just greening up and were very susceptible to freeze damage.
Or it could have been a perfect combination of the 3 things happening all at the same time, weaker zoysia from the fall, just a bit more green up than normal in February and the cold temperatures after the early breakout of temperatures.
We will have a better feel about what is happening over the next couple of weeks. I think a majority of the spots will be fine. One thing I'm probably sure of is the Bermuda got its butt kicked as well.
Greens aeration was completed in 2 days by the guys. Looks good overall. Last major aeration work of the season besides monthly needle tining and maybe a hydrojet application in mid-summer.
#2 looking across from left to right into front of the green. Same as #1. |
Plugs pulled from the approach. Looks pretty weak. There appears to be life down in the stolen area but we will see for sure in 10-14 days. |
2 green after aeration |
2 green canopy. Holes filled. |
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
3 Tee Renovation
Renovation begins on #3 Tee today with the removal of 3 trees. Our intentions are to replace the cool season Heinz 57 turf with Zoysia that requires a great deal less maintenance and moisture. It's does need more sun which is the reason for the removal of 3 Elm trees and a Solver Maple.
We then have to strip the sod off the surface, dig out the tree roots that have disrupted the surface, contract tilling and lazer leveling of the surface and laying the sod. Our hope is to have the Tee ready for play in 45 days or less.
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Spring Color in the Ornamental Pots
Horticulturist Becky was busy this past week planting the numerous pots around the facility.
Varieties in the large pot on The Pearson Plaza and other areas include Gerbera, Dianthus, Lobelia,Snapdragons, Agyrathemum, Stock, Margurite Daisy, Osteospermum, and Kale.
Monday, April 3, 2017
Replay, Mr Ballmark, Can't Start Another Season Without This Timely Discussion
Not much explanation here. Consideration for others maybe?
Fairway Bermuda Eradication Version 2017
The Zoysia fairways are greening up early this season. Our fairways at Glen Echo have a tendency to be a bit behind because of our Bermuda Eradication work we are doing with late Summer early Fall herbicide applications. I think most will agree we will take being a little bit behind in trade for the great shape they have been in mid-summer until the end of the season the last few years. First video of the year about our Eradication program describing the area on the north side of the main road of #8.
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Article on Course Maintenance and Course Accessibility
Excellent article from the USGA regarding maintenance practices and golfer accessibility to the course and the ways this can be balanced for the benefit of everyone.
Friday, March 24, 2017
Welcome Little Sister
Been discussing for some time about starting a clubhouse blog or something in that line. Welcome little sister!
There will be some tweaks to the sight. I'm trying to get email notification for those of you who would like to sign up. Its been 9 years since setting up the last blog so give me a little time. In the meantime, bookmark the link above and keep an eye out for regular posts in the near future. My crystal ball tells me a post from the kitchen for some reason might make it onto the next post!
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Spring Aerations, Here They Come
This season we will be doing the DryJect Aeration process from our contractor. Scheduled initially for this Sunday PM and next Sunday PM, the dates were moved due to weather concerns.
We will be completing this process on Wednesday March 15 and Thursday March 16. I don't like to do this work during the work but we had no choice or wait until the end of April which I do not want. It is a pretty non-evasive process but we will have to have you go around the holes that we are working. We will have 2 units working. Takes about 45 minutes per green or so.
Below is the link to last years work. We usually just brush the greens and roll them if they are dry enough and they are ready for play.
Later in the month we will be performing our deep-tined areation which will help us drain water deeper through our profile as needed, especially through the earthen layer that rest 6" below ground.
I will make another post in the next few days catching you up on other work the staff have been performing.
We will be completing this process on Wednesday March 15 and Thursday March 16. I don't like to do this work during the work but we had no choice or wait until the end of April which I do not want. It is a pretty non-evasive process but we will have to have you go around the holes that we are working. We will have 2 units working. Takes about 45 minutes per green or so.
Below is the link to last years work. We usually just brush the greens and roll them if they are dry enough and they are ready for play.
Later in the month we will be performing our deep-tined areation which will help us drain water deeper through our profile as needed, especially through the earthen layer that rest 6" below ground.
I will make another post in the next few days catching you up on other work the staff have been performing.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Clubhouse Food & Beverage Service Reopening, Welcome Back Dinner

Throughout the month of March, the clubhouse will have Food and Beverage Service
Wednesday through Sunday.
11-8 Wed-Thurs
11-9 Friday
8am -9pm Saturdays
8am to 8 pm Sundays
Chef has a great buffet planned Friday night March 3rd and our welcome back dinner. Due to the great buffet planned by Chef and his staff, there will be no Ala Carte service Friday evening.
Help us plan our evening and reserve
your spot today.

Horseradish Mousse
Alaskan Crab Legs
Shrimp Cocktail
Crab Crusted Snapper with Sherried Basil Cream
Twice Baked Potatoes
Spring Rice Blend
Oven Roasted Asparagus with Balsamic Glaze
Mixed Vegetable Medley
Tossed Caesar Salad
Tossed California Chopped Salad
Assorted Rolls and Cheddar Biscuits
Mac and Cheese
Chicken Strips with Dipping Sauces
Toasted Raviolis
Dessert Station
$38 Adults
$16 Kids ages 5-12
4 and Under Free
Drinks billed in traditional manner
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Fun At The Club, Pizza Night!

A little fun experience at the Clubhouse this Friday night at Glen Echo. Pizza night!
Giving our hard working Chef and staff a Friday night off since we've not been closed for multiple weeks in a row with no meals to fix. Brother Ed and I will produce you a casual but great tasting night of Italian splendor. Come and have some cocktails, a couple of beers, a bottle of wine and some excellent pizza. Look at my waistline, wheat belly and non-veggie! Its made for some great eating.

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Gonna break out the ol Coach(Dad) to help us out! |
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Maple Sap to Maple Syrup
We don't have a large supply of Maple Syrup this year to provide any for breakfast but we do have enough for Chef Brian to do some magic with in the kitchen.
The lack of consistent above 32 degree day temps and below 32 degree night temps reduces the proper sap flow required to provide us with large enough quantities of sap to give us a large supply of total syrup that can be used. 43 gallons of sap to make one gal of syrup. We will have about 60 gallons of sap which will make us a little over a gallon of syrup. As temperatures warm and bud break begins to occur, the saps flavor changes and is not suitable for consumption.
A couple videos I've made over the last couple of days. One for fun, the other to entice you with the smell of this beautiful naturally occurring product produced right here on the grounds at Glen Echo. Close your eyes and imagine the wafts of this light, natural tasting maple syrup drizzled across some Pork or in a dessert, Yummy!
The lack of consistent above 32 degree day temps and below 32 degree night temps reduces the proper sap flow required to provide us with large enough quantities of sap to give us a large supply of total syrup that can be used. 43 gallons of sap to make one gal of syrup. We will have about 60 gallons of sap which will make us a little over a gallon of syrup. As temperatures warm and bud break begins to occur, the saps flavor changes and is not suitable for consumption.
A couple videos I've made over the last couple of days. One for fun, the other to entice you with the smell of this beautiful naturally occurring product produced right here on the grounds at Glen Echo. Close your eyes and imagine the wafts of this light, natural tasting maple syrup drizzled across some Pork or in a dessert, Yummy!
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Sap Time(No we are not talking corny jokes in the bar)Maple Syrup
Maple tree sap is beginning to flow with some below 32 degree nights and above 32 degree days. Hopefully we will get a nice supply for Chef to use in something special this season at Glen Echo.
Monday, January 16, 2017
Dr. King "Why Do You Care"
I've never posted on Dr. King's Day. I've thought about the man over the years and respected his work. The movement that helped to transform our country over the last 50-60 years was so important and necessary.
I remember being in 4th grade and outside playing that evening when Dr. King was killed. I was out playing with a neighborhood friend in Desoto where we lived. I came in and saw the news and I think my comment was something like that is terrible, or bad, along those lines. My friend said to me
" Why do you care"
Why did I care? I guess I was 11 at the time and was a current affairs geek. I was raised in a family of inclusion and equality. My parents went to high school in a small town that was known not to have African American people living within its limits in Southeast Missouri but you would have never known that from my upbringing. Never heard the stereo typical derogatory names used around my family. I think if I would of used those words I would have gotten my butt whooped good. I grew up around African American coaches and athletes which my dad worked with and coached and taught along side. We became friends, we became brothers when my parents became guardian for a young man when I was in Junior High School. We were teammates during my athletic years where we shared the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. We broke bread together, we partied together, we chased girls together, we did everything together.
When I started working I became responsible to parents and their kids who rode my buses, teachers/principals at schools who I worked with as well as colleagues/employees and upper management individuals who I reported.
Of course in the golf business I have customers, peers, vendors, staff and now members from many backgrounds and faiths, everyone deserves equal respect and treatment no matter what your place in society.
We have come a long way but still have a long way to go.
I remember being in 4th grade and outside playing that evening when Dr. King was killed. I was out playing with a neighborhood friend in Desoto where we lived. I came in and saw the news and I think my comment was something like that is terrible, or bad, along those lines. My friend said to me
" Why do you care"
Why did I care? I guess I was 11 at the time and was a current affairs geek. I was raised in a family of inclusion and equality. My parents went to high school in a small town that was known not to have African American people living within its limits in Southeast Missouri but you would have never known that from my upbringing. Never heard the stereo typical derogatory names used around my family. I think if I would of used those words I would have gotten my butt whooped good. I grew up around African American coaches and athletes which my dad worked with and coached and taught along side. We became friends, we became brothers when my parents became guardian for a young man when I was in Junior High School. We were teammates during my athletic years where we shared the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. We broke bread together, we partied together, we chased girls together, we did everything together.
When I started working I became responsible to parents and their kids who rode my buses, teachers/principals at schools who I worked with as well as colleagues/employees and upper management individuals who I reported.
Of course in the golf business I have customers, peers, vendors, staff and now members from many backgrounds and faiths, everyone deserves equal respect and treatment no matter what your place in society.
We have come a long way but still have a long way to go.
Winter Work
Most supers are questioned what do you do in the winter. Well, staff is in the middle of vacations, sick days(germs from kids and pass it around the group), education which I showed you in December with more to come, and repairing our supplies that are on the golf course. Tee markers, trash cans, benches(personally think we should get rid of half of them), driving range bag stands and etc. Some of the time is spent just recovering from 6-7 day a week solid grind from the end of March through parts of November. Everyone up with 4:00-4:30 a.m wake up calls 6 days a week for all staff/management.
Painted trash cans |
Jason and Russ sanding tee markers |
Already sanded and waiting on the sander |
Sunday, January 1, 2017
Happy New Year
This past year had its challenges but also some major successes which are displayed in the video below. The loss of Lady this past spring shook my world, 17 years of habits were hard to break, others within our club suffered much greater loss. One of the things they all talked about though was that they could not have done it without the support of their family at Glen Echo. The help and support during their struggles and grief were the only thing that kept them going.
I brought this video back out of the archives because of the new year, new beginnings, a new start. We have a couple months of recharging and planning to do to get our year started out right. I know our young guns are getting recharged and looking forward to another great year of golf at Glen Echo.
We will begin our Friday night dinners on January 13th. We plan on doing some things for the kids in the Pub and Olympic Room area of the club that night and every Friday night during the shutdown period. Movies, putt putt, games, a chance for you to come to the club visit with friends and have some activity for the kidos.
Happy New Year and thanks for your support!
I brought this video back out of the archives because of the new year, new beginnings, a new start. We have a couple months of recharging and planning to do to get our year started out right. I know our young guns are getting recharged and looking forward to another great year of golf at Glen Echo.
We will begin our Friday night dinners on January 13th. We plan on doing some things for the kids in the Pub and Olympic Room area of the club that night and every Friday night during the shutdown period. Movies, putt putt, games, a chance for you to come to the club visit with friends and have some activity for the kidos.
Happy New Year and thanks for your support!
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